Thursday, March 16, 2006

An "Art Buffet" of miniature paintings...

An "Art Buffet" of miniature paintings, plein air oils, pen-and-ink tree drawings, murals..., in Central Kitsap Reporter  on Art Buffet ( then search for "Art Buffet"), also 3/15/06 Bainbridge Review  article on Art Buffet ( then search for "Art Buffet").

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Art Buffet and an Observation

March 2006:

You are invited to Art Buffet's Premier Exhibition March 18...(click on invitation above).

Observation: Maybe there is a trend of investing in art for children lately. Three of my pieces sold in February 2006 were for children. One was Dragonfly Dance, an encaustic triptych which some collectors bought for their one year old daughter "who needs nothing but your painting" and two others were encaustic koi fish for a 10 year old who wanted them for his birthday. Interesting.